DC Preservation League's 2019 Awards for Excellence, May 8

The DC Preservation League (DCPL) will join with the DC Office of Planning/Historic Preservation Office to host the 2019 edition of its annual awards presentation at Constitution Hall on May 8. The awards will honor achievement in these categories: Stewardship, Volunteerism and Community Involvement, Education, Design and Construction. The ceremony will also include the State Historic Preservation Officer’s Award, HPRB Chair Awards, and an award for Individual Lifetime Achievement.
Constitution Hall is the neoclassical, limestone-clad home of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and was completed in 1929 by architect John Russell Pope.
WHEN: Wednesday, May 8, 7—10 pm
WHERE: Constitution Hall, 1776 D St NW Washington, DC 20006
METRO: Foggy Bottom (Blue/Orange)
Admission is free, though RSVP is required.